
Protected persons in Belarus to acquire right of voluntary temporary refusal of state protection

In Belarus protected persons will acquire the right of voluntary temporary refusal of state protection, news agency BELTA reports, referring to the chief of the Security Service of the President of Belarus, Andrei Vtyurin, who represented in the House of Representatives the new bill On the State Protection. Members of parliament approved the bill in the first reading, news agency notes.

According to Vtyurin, the above mentioned norm is stipulated in the Belarus legislation for the first time. Thus the protected persons should concern to own safety responsibly. Necessity of introduction of the norm means that in practice of the service there are cases when the protected person declares that for a certain time he does not need protection, for example, during holidays abroad.

By approach of such circumstances the Security Service at own risk should execute requirements of the protected person, having stopped his protection, however continues to bear the legal responsibility for maintenance of his safety. It is supposed that the President will certain the order and the maximal terms of temporary refusal of state protection, and also the right is given to the chief of the State Protection Service to decide on the temporary termination of state protection, according to Trend News. The practice of temporary refusal of state protection has been already used in such countries as Russia, Ukraine and the United States.

The chief of the Security Service of the President of Belarus, Andrei Vtyurin, noted that the main principles of work of the service are forecasting, revealing and prevention, that means, suppression of terrorist aspirations on initial stage, television and radio company Mir reports. It cites Vtyurin who marked that "a criminal should not be allowed into the area of carrying out of an undertaking. It is necessary to infringe on him in different ways, including use of force".

The bill keeps the structure of the already existing law On the State Protection and corresponds to the structure of the CIS modal law on state protection. Two assignments of the head of state are realized in the document. The first, concerning precise fastening of the status of a state security agency, i.e. the Security Service of the President. It is supposed that the security service is the special representative the state body which carries out the state protection within the limits of competence and directly provides activity of the President of Belarus and is submitted to him. The body of the state protection is included into the system of maintenance of national security of Belarus and is the state body in which the military service is stipulated.

The second assignment concerns the order of application of weapons and physical force, special means and equipment by employees of other state bodies involved by security service to provide safety of the protected persons and facilities. In particular, it is fixed in the draft that employees of the state bodies and other organizations apply physical force and special means only according to the law On the State Protection, with the restrictions established by the state protection body. Also new definitions of the most important concepts of this sphere are offered and concretized, such as the state protection, protected object, security zone, etc. In addition as main principles of realization of state protection are provided principles of priority of precautionary measures and rational actions. The latter in addition guarantees the right of citizens to the affable and polite reference from the State Protection Service



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