
Penki kontinentai opens a new business niche in Belarus in a month

BS/2, a subsidiary company of Penki kontinentai, one of the biggest groups of IT companies in Lithuania, together with its partners will install modern cash-desk systems in the premises of retail trade company Vesta - Borisov (-) in Belarus.

It is the first project of this kind by a Lithuanian company in the field of retail trade and Belarus became the first region where BS/2 has the right to install the equipment of the global company Wincor Nixdorf under the agreement signed at the end of October. Up to now, BS/2 has been installing ATMs and other self-service equipment designed for retail banking.

"The business environment in Belarus is much more complicated than in Lithuania and global trends in the retail trade market are not the best. However, business does not stop even under such circumstances. We are sure that we will implement several similar projects not only in Belarus but in other countries as well," Karolis Macionis, software sales manager, says.

According to him, the Beetle/M-II Plus systems, which belong to the Beetle POS family and which are produced by Wincor Nixdorf, will be installed in Vesta - Borisov stores in Borisov city in cooperation with the Belarusian company Tusson.

Over 150,000 people reside in Borisov city (Minsk county). Over 600 trade companies are operating in the city. Vesta - Borisov controls 21 shops, the total area of which makes up 15 percent of the whole area of all the shops in the city.



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