Uzbek-Belarusian joint venture UzBelDiesel has launched production of diesel engines in Tashkent, CEO of the company Vladimir Adylov told Prime-Tass Friday.
According to Adylov, the JV will assemble engines from parts imported from Russia and Belarus. In 2007 UzBelDiesel will launch a line to make basic parts, including engine boxes and crankshafts. In 2009 the company plans to produce 50% of parts.
UzBelDiesel was established by Belarus' Minsk Motor Plant (MMZ), Russia's Noginsk Fuel Equipment Plant and Uzbek TTZ and Motor Plant on a parity basis.
UzBelDiesel plans to produce about 6,000 engines annually and supply 3,000 engines to TTZ. The remaining 3,000 engines will be sold on the domestic market to maintenance department of Uzbekistan's agro-industry. In 2010 the company plans to increase its annual output to 20,000 engines.