The Group of companies "Svyaznoy" has opened gallery of digital technologies "Svyaznoy 3" in Minsk. As they say in the company's report, the total area of the gallery makes 165 sq.m.
"Svyaznoy" plans up to the end of 2007 the opening of 9 galleries of digital technologies " Svyaznoy 3 " and about 60 centers of mobile communication "Svyaznoy". The quantity of shops of the network in Belarus by the end of 2008 will make 150.
The Group of companies "Svyaznoy" is the Russian dealer of cellular telephones and services of mobile operators in the Russian Federation - is based in 1995 by Maxim Nogotkov. He possesses Patagon Finance, owning 99.9% of shares of the Joint-Stock Company "The Group of companies "Svyaznoy", 0.1% of shares are owned directly by M.Nogotkov. 1.398 thousand centers of mobile communication in 302 cities of the Russian Federations, including 117 galleries of digital technologies "Svyaznoy 3" and 21 Internet-shops are opened as for July, 1st, 2007. In 2007 it is planned to open 400 new shops.
The retail turnover of the GC "Svyaznoy" in January-June 2007 has increased up 37% to $980.9mln, including payments and the VAT, without taking into account payments - up 33% to $661.4mln. The proceeds have made $1.02mlrd.