The Guardian
I would like to add up a few more details to your article (BNP leader and Holocaust denier invited to Oxford Union; Dictator among those asked to address students, October 12). A while ago, this embassy received a letter from the president of the Oxford Union inviting President Lukashenko to give a lecture. The letter from Luke Tryl stresses that the Belarus president "would have much of interest to say", and is among "a range of speakers who more accurately represent the 21st century world".
We took the idea seriously in the belief that the students of this highly esteemed university would be indeed keen to get a sense of how Belarus lives, and why Belarussians are unanimous in their support of the president and his policies. It is the commitment of many Oxford graduates to fighting through stereotypes that has made them prominent scientists and public servants.
But we had our doubts, too. Regrettably, the outcome proves them right, even in an old democracy, freedom of speech is not everyone's entitlement. Mr Tryl is hardly in the picture about Belarus and does not go to great lengths to understand what Alexander Lukashenko stands for - though, he is surprisingly plain and clear about several things, eg what the resident's views are and whether the speaker will be challenged and ridiculed. Sadly, Mr Tryl ridiculed himself here. Just compare his letter of invitation with your quotes. May our commiserations be a consolation prize for the president of the Oxford Union. Belarussians are open and amiable people. We are always ready for dialogue with those who come to us with an open heart and good intentions.
Alexander Sidoruk
Counsellor, Belarus embassy