According to the Ministry of agriculture and food of Belarus, as of September 30, 24.210 tonnes of potatoes were harvested by the agrarian organizations of the republic, which totals 50.08 % of the plan. At the same time last year index showed 31.300 ha (70.03 % of the plan).
As of September 30, 505.721 tonnes of potatoes were harvested with the average yield of 208.89 c/ha, as compared to the same date of 2007 - 586.870 tonnes and 187.49 c/ha, respectively.
By the way, the leaders of potatoes harvesting are the farms of Minsk oblast - 149.536 tonnes of potatoes were harvested with the average yield of 208.59 c/ha. The smallest amounts of potatoes were harvested in Vitebsk and Brest oblasts - 59.300 and 59.780 tonnes, respectively.