
Minsk Hopes Europe Will Assess Belarusian Election Objectively

MINSK. Sept 25 (Interfax) - The Belarusian election will be a test of the political wisdom and farsightedness for European organizations, Belarusian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Popov said.

"The European partners argue that the upcoming election campaign will be a test for Belarus. But it will likewise be a test for our European partners - a test of objectivity, farsightedness and political wisdom," Popov said at a press briefing in Moscow on Thursday.

The Belarusian parliamentary election is due to be held on September 28.

All international observers, named by international election monitoring agencies, will be granted Belarusian visas, he said.

"Even those who previously had problems observing our laws will be able to join the monitoring," Popov said, when asked whether any of the international observers had been denied entry visas.

Belarus denied visas to several observes appointed by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) during the previous election.

"We met Western partners' requests as best as we could this year, and we want the monitoring processes to be as transparent as possible," he said.

"The European Union's moves in relation to the election will have an impact on a number of geopolitical factors," the diplomat said.

"It is very important for us to see to what extent the OSCE will manage to be objective and unbiased," said Popov.



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