Q.: Could the Belarus MFA comment on the outcomes of the EU Foreign Ministers meeting held on 15 September 2008 in Brussels which considered the situation in Belarus as one of its agenda items?
A.: We have taken note of the changing attitude towards Belarus fixed in the final document of the meeting. We have not missed the attempt of the EU member states to outline possible avenues of improving the bilateral interaction between Belarus and the EU, which opens ground for cautious optimism. Yet the EU has not managed completely to get rid of inherent inertia in its approaches towards this country.
In particular, I would like to focus on the part of the document, which mentions the upcoming parliamentary election.
The Belarus authorities have publicly announced quite a few times their desire to conduct the elections in a transparent and democratic manner. Belarus does not intend to draw back from its commitments.
We are still expecting the EU to step up concrete actions rather than wordy declarations.