
New Belarus Project Supports Jewish Families

GRODNO, Belarus - The Jewish community of Grodno has begun working on its new project "The Assistance Center for Jewish Families", which got underway this past week. It is expected to make a big difference in the lives of young Jews who are still very much in their formation stage.

This dynamic undertaking is aimed at providing various forms of assistance to families that are considered to be in need of assistance. The initiators behind this project are particularly concerned with the welfare of children from needy families, including those that have financial and otherwise material hardships, as well as those but also families with psychologically- and physically- challenged children.

According to Elena Kutsevich, there are currently 30 boys and girls who are benefitting from this humanitarian initiative. Like similar projects implemented by members of the Association of Jewish Communities of Belarus, and its larger umbrella affiliate, the Federation of Jewish Communities of the CIS, this number is not definite and the beneficiary list may see an expansion.

Through this motivating project, participants get help in preparing kids to enter school, receive hygienic products, food packages, and other forms of humanitarian assistance. The Grodno families engaged in this initiative can obtain the food packages up to two times per month, while families living elsewhere in the Grodno Region will have the opportunity to collect larger packages once every two months due to the high cost associated with traveling into this regional center.



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