Berlin, den 2. September 2005

Inkrafttreten des Kyoto Protokolls fur Belarus

Pressemitteilung von: Botschaft der Republik Belarus in der BRD

Botschaft der Republik Belarus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Pressemitteilung ü 56

Berlin, den 2. September 2005

Inkrafttreten des Kyoto Protokolls fur Belarus

Die Republik Belarus ist dem Kyoto-Protokoll des UNO-Rahmenubereinkommens uber Klimaveranderung beigetreten, das fur das Land am 24. November 2005 in Kraft treten wird. Es folgt eine Pressemitteilung zu diesem Thema in englischer Sprache.

Belarus' permanent mission to the United Nations deposited on August 26 the instrument of ratification of Belarus' accession to the Kyoto Protocol of the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC). This means the Kyoto Protocol will come into effect for Belarus on November 24, 2005.

Belarus' President Alexander Lukashenko signed ordinance ü 370 on Belarus' accession to the Kyoto Protocol on August 15.

The Kyoto Protocol, which aims to slow down global warming, came into effect on February 16, 2005 for 128 countries. The document demands a 5,2% cut in greenhouse gas emissions from the industrialized world as a whole, by 2012. Each country has been set its own individual targets according to its pollution levels.

Belarus' current ‘Ž? emission stands at 50-55 million tons, or 41-45% of the 1990 level of 120,46 million tons. This is attributed to the fact that since 1995 the country's economy has done without additional fuel and energy resources to develop.

According to independent analysts, Belarus may raise between USD 375 million and 1,5 billion in environmental investments into its energy saving industry when it signs the Kyoto protocol and then partakes in Joint Implementation of global greenhouse gas reductions and sales of a part of its greenhouse gas emission quota.

Botschaft der Republik Belarus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland


2.Botschaftssekretar Aleksei Zhbanov

Botschaft der Republik Belarus in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Am Treptower Park 32

12435 Berlin

Tel. 030/53635913

Fax 030/53635923


