
Belarus is ready to launch European design standards

The Belarusian construction industry has been developed and it is ready to launch the design standards identical to those used by the European countries, Minister of Architecture and Construction of Belarus Alexander Seleznev told a session of the Presidium of the Council of Ministers.

According to the Minister, Belarus has prepared the action plan to develop and introduce the design standards in conformity with the requirements of the European Union. "The developed approaches to standardization meet the EU Construction Products Directive. The mechanisms of their implementation identical to those which are used by the European countries," he said.

The design standards identical to those used by the European countries are expected to be introduced by 1 January, 2010. The standards will touch upon the design of reinforced-concrete, metal and timber constructions, foundations, residential, administrative and industrial buildings including tower buildings and multifunctional centres. The fire code, which will meet the European standards, will be introduced as well.

According to Alexander Seleznev, the most advanced design standards are used in Germany (DIN-EN) and many other European countries adapt them to the national standards. So, Belarus intends to take the German system of construction standards as a basis, he noted. According to the Minister, it will allow foreign investors to work in Belarus using their design standards.

As of today, the Belarusian construction industry has introduced 216 European standards for construction materials and the methods to test them. It allowed companies-exporters of construction products to get the right to CE-mark the product. In particular, they mark glass, heat-insulation materials, metal and plastic pipes, ceramic tile, cement, lime, concrete products, filler and compounding materials.



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