
Teknovus Announces EPON FTTx in Russia and Belarus

Eastern Europe's Telcos Adopt EPON Fiber Solutions for Broadband Services

PETALUMA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Teknovus, the leading provider of EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Network) chips for the deployment of triple-play services in FTTx broadband access networks, announced that Russian and Belarus telcos have begun deployment of EPON fiber networks and are working with Teknovus products. Premier Electric, a leading electronics distributor, is supporting Teknovus' EPON projects in Eastern Europe with communications equipment vendors including General Datacomm, Angstrem Telecom and Mikst.

Broadband penetration in Russia is expected to grow from 18% in 2008 to more than 28% by year-end 2010. Many Eastern European telcos are following the EPON testing and deployment process adopted by China Telecom. Beginning in 2006, China Telecom began evaluations of PON technologies and today has more than 14 million EPON-based subscribers throughout the country. Russia and China share many similarities, such as strong subscriber demand for broadband networks and triple-play applications. In addition, both countries are using fiber networks to dramatically improve inadequate copper-based networks for greenfield and brownfield communities.

"Russian and Belarus communications equipment vendors are enabling their respective service providers to cost-effectively deploy fiber-based access networks," stated Pavel Katlerov, Marketing Manager at Premier Electric. "Teknovus' EPON chips are carrier-grade with advanced optical and network monitoring capabilities. More than 30 million FTTx subscribers worldwide are enjoying the benefits of triple-play services while the telcos profit from lower OPEX, higher ARPU and an EPON network that supports 1G/2.5G speeds today and 10G next year."

"We are delighted to announce wins in Russia and Belarus, with a combined population of more than 145 million people," announced Paul Runcy, Director of Carrier Marketing at Teknovus. "The Eastern European telcos and national governments understand the importance of high-speed fiber access communications for business and residential services and for national growth and prosperity."

About Teknovus

Teknovus is the leading developer and supplier of access chips and embedded software for the FTTx market, supporting EPON (Ethernet Passive Optical Networking) at 1G, 2.5G and 10G speeds. Teknovus products are deployed by more than 35 service providers around the world, enabling the delivery of advanced triple-play services, including IPTV, via optical fiber networks. Teknovus products support the full FTTx network, covering the Central Office (OLT) and the Customer Premises (ONU). Teknovus is headquartered in Petaluma, California with sales, design and support centers in Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, San Jose and Boston. To learn more about Teknovus, visit

Teknovus and Turbo-EPON are trademarks of Teknovus. Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

About Premier Electric

Premier Electric is a leading distributor of electronic components and modules for the telecommunications industry in Russia and Belarus, providing sales, marketing and logistic services. Premier Electric is headquartered in Minsk, Belarus with sales offices in Moscow and Izhevsk, Russia. Official website is



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