Mylo, DJ
* Interview by Carl Wilkinson
* The Observer,
My favourite hotel is ...
The Chateau de la Pioline, near Aix en Provence. It is a 16th-century house with loads of character.
The best beach i've seen was ...
Near Port Douglas in northern Queensland, about an hour or so north of Cairns - I don't know its name I'm afraid. The rainforest comes straight down a steep slope right on to this incredible beach. I went with two engineers I met in my hostel. Great times.
I never travel without ...
A thick, boring book that I know I'll never finish. I have a phobia of running out of reading material and being stuck with only in-flight magazines to read.
The most memorable festival i've played was ...
A big rave in Minsk, Belarus, this summer. It was very surreal. The country is still effectively under a communist dictatorship and there was a huge police/army presence. The rave was held at an old airfield surrounded by pine forest and I was on from 4-6am so it was getting lighter throughout the whole set with this weird dawn mist floating in and out of the trees. Abba went down very well...
My most treasured souvenir is ...
A Comfort Inn carpet we stole from directly under the nose of the hotel receptionist in Dijon. We needed a grippy surface to put our drumkit on to stop it sliding around mid-gig. It's now in my studio. It really ties the room together.
My most memorable meal was in ...
Buenos Aires. Amazing steak, amazing wine with the boys from the band. It was a good gig too, I think.
My top travel tip is ...
Never fly before noon under any circumstances. And as a corollary to that, never let anyone else book your flights because naturally they don't care when you have to wake up!
When I fly I ...
Generally play around with Ableton on my laptop - it's the programme that I'm using for DJing. It eats up the hours, at least until the computer battery dies. If it's a long-haul flight, red wine and melatonin will usually knock me out, although once on the way to Australia it didn't seem to work and I ended up watching the movie Anchorman three times in a row. I don't think I've been quite the same since.
The last person i sat next to on a plane was ...
A mother and daughter on the way back from Jersey. I think it's always a bad idea to get into a conversation with the person next to you because there's no escape. Weirdly I once sat next to the same lady on a flight from Glasgow to Toronto and then again on my way back the following week. So we chatted. You have to respect coincidence.
My childhood holidays were ...
In Scotland, to glamorous destinations such as Dumfries and Aviemore. I think the first time we went abroad would have been to visit a friend of my Dad's in The Hague. I remember being quite disturbed that they ate ham for breakfast.
My worst holiday ever was to ...
Mallorca when I was 15 or 16. We did a lot of stupid teenage things and managed to get arrested for allegedly breaking wing mirrors off cars (not guilty!).
I'll never go back to ...
Never say never, but I can't say I got a lot out of Dubai when I stopped off there last year. It's fake and seedy and totally unedifying, like its cousin Las Vegas, which I also hate.