23rd August 2005
From Poland A.M.
Andzelika Borys, the president of the Association of Poles in Belarus (ZPB), is still being interrogated.
After her 43rd round of questioning she has been summoned for another one. This time she is being asked to explain what she was doing on the night of January 6 when the previous ZPB president?s car was burnt. Two of the association's journalists, Andrzej Pisalnik and Andrzej Poczubutt, and its vice-president Tadeusz Porzecki were also summoned by the police. Borys says she is interrogated approximately nine times a month, and cross-examined on different matters, such as robberies, harassment, and forgeries. She assumes they want to arrest all of them now, before Saturday, for on that day the Assosiation's summit will take place in Wolkowysk near Grodno, led by its previous president, Tadeusz Kruczkowski, who is supported by the authorities. (Gazeta Wyborcza, p. 7)