The agricultural organizations of Belarus have formed biological grain crop at 7.3 mln tonnes, reported Vasiliy Pavlovskiy, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food.
According to V. Pavlovskiy, the recent research shows that this year grain yield totals 32.9 c/ha, up 3.5 á compared to the previous year, and up 2-3 á as scientists expected.
As of July, 22, Belarus harvested 33.000 tonnes of new crop grains throughout 33.000 ha or 1% of all sowing area. Mass harvesting campaign will start on July, 25, reported V. Pavlovskiy.
As a reminder, Belarus agriculture organizations should harvest crop within 2.48 mln ha, up 2.4% compared to the previous year. The areas planted with wheat and triticale have been also expanded, they total 476.900 ha and 450.100 ha, respectively, up 19% and 9% as compared to the previous year. At the same time, rye sowing area totals 526.200 ha, down nearly 10%, barley sowing areas total 561.600 ha, down 12%. 169.800 ha were sown under oats, 14.900 - buckwheat (up 42%). The areas planted with legumes remained the same as a year ago - 117.700 ha.