Last weekend Marija was a guest at the greatest music festival in Eastern Europe "Slavjanski Bazar" in Vitebsk in Belarus. This festival with a long tradition and more then four thousand interpreters and participants is one of the greatest festivals in Europe. At the invitation of the organizers Marija participated in the night of the grand festival opening. She sang "Molitva" live and the domestic audience gave her a standing ovation. Even the Belarus president Alexander Lukaschenko was present there. At the short meeting back stage Marija gave Mr. Lukaschenko her newest CD as a present.
Next evening in the special revue program concerning the Eurovision Song Contest entitled Viva Eurosong Marija appeared as the last singer and the audience stood up. First she sang "Molitva" in the Russian language and then she enchanted the audience with the phenomenal interpretation of the song "Nije mi prvi put", when she went down from the stage to dance with the public. During Marija's visit to Vitebsk and Minsk journalists paid their utmost attention to Marija and it was really impressive that media representatives knew all the details on her life and career . Marija is in fact very popular in Belarus.