The Nordic Council of Ministers has opened a new call for scholarship applications over the summer months. Belarusian students thus have a new opportunity to apply for scholarships for studies in Ukraine and in special cases at universities in other countries that neighbour Belarus. The deadline for scholarship applications is the 17 August.
There is still time at a few universities in Ukraine to apply for studies beginning in the autumn 2007. Please refer to our Project Associate in Kiev - Larisa Bronder at - for more information about universities in Ukraine. Please observe that applicants must apply in parallel to the scholarship programme and the selected university in Ukraine.
'Access to Higher Education for Belarusian Youth' is a scholarship programme which supports Belarusian citizens to study at the European Humanities University (EHU) in Vilnius and different universities in Ukraine and in special cases at universities in other countries that neighbour Belarus. The programme is financed by the EU and NCM jointly but with the majority of funds coming from the EU.
This call for applications is not for studies at EHU. For studies at EHU, please contact EHU directly (
Larisa Bronder, Project Associate
Per Larsson, External Adviser
Mobile +45 21 71 71 31