Bank of Russia to discuss options for Ukrainian, Belarusian and Kazakh Eurobonds to be placed in Russia
The Bank of Russia will review prospects of placing in Russia Eurobonds issued by Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan and also opportunities to add these instruments to CBR's Lombard list, first deputy CBR chairman Alexei Ulyukaev told reporters on Friday, RIA Novosti wired. The day before vice PM and finance minister Alexei Kudrin stated this option is possible.
"We haven't discussed this issue yet, but it looks reasonable. We'll discuss this:The Russian regulator will not oppose to this," Ulyukaev said. According to him, possible ratings of the Eurobonds issued by these countries will most likely comply with CBR's requirements for putting on the Lombard list. As Prime-TASS wired, when asked whether or not ratings of these countries comply with the requirements for their Eurobonds to be added to the collateral base Ulyukaev said "I am not prepared to give an answer offhand, but most likely they do".