Bishkek - News Agency "", By Anton LYMAR
Prosecutor-General's Office of Belarus refused a Kyrgyz request to extradite Kurmanbek S. Bakiyev, Interfax informs.
Earlier, President of Belarus promised not to extradite Bakiyev, moreover, he named the Kyrgyz request, issued on 6 May, as hopeless and humiliating. Minsk refused to give any comments.
Ex-President of Kyrgyzstan stays in Belarus since 10 April. He flew the country shortly after a revolt on 7 April. New authorities accused not only former president, but his close associates as well.
The list of wanted persons issued by the interim government of Kyrgyzstan includes the youngest son of ex-president - Maxim Bakiyev. He was arrested Tuesday in Britain. Kyrgyzstan has already sent London a request on extradition.