The widow of Vytautas Pociunas, the Lithuanian state security officer who died in mysterious circumstances in Grodno, Belarus, on August 23, 2006, Ludvika Pociunene, has addressed the State Office of Public Prosecutor of Lithuania with the request for renewal of pre-judicial investigation on the fact of her husband's death, news agency ELTA reports.
Pociunene claims that the investigation has not answered some questions. "Closely having reviewed the case, I have found the questions that were left without answers. Some details are not cleared out that is not mentioned in the conclusions", - Pociunene told in an interview to Lithuanian public radio.
Doubts of the widow of Vytautas Pociunas have been caused by the results of the microresearches: fabrics belonging to other person were found under officer's nails. The found particles do not belong to anybody from the company in which the officer had spent his last evening. However, complex biomechanical research has not shown that Pociunas "had been helped" to drop out of a hotel window. Experts did not found out any poisons or drugs in Pociunas' organism. Conclusions of the Lithuanian experts were confirmed with the toxicologists of the Helsinki university. The same conclusions were presented by the Belarus side, ELTA adds.