
Belarus: frosts have not presented serious threat for grain

04.05.2007 10:01 "Agro Perspectiva" (Kyiv) - Crops of summer grain crops in the majority of areas of republic have normally transferred(carried) the last May frosts, the chief of central administrative board of plant growing of the Ministry of Agriculture and the foodstuffs Grigory Romanyuk has told, transfers(transmits) BELTA.

On turbaries of Polesye only insignificant damages of shoots summer grain are noted. However final conclusions about quantities(amounts) of damages to do(make) early as in night for May, 3rd and 4 new frosts are expected. Also nights on May, 4th and 5 will be cold. Therefore the further situation will depend completely on concrete development of weather in regions. Especially excites experts as will transfer(carry) frosts crops winter rapsa as in many regions the culture has started to type(collect) color.

Disturbs also a condition of crops of a sugar beet and flax, especially in southern regions where these cultures have sown the first, and they have reached(achieved) the certain growth. For a greater part of crops winter grain present frosts do not represent serious threat the same as and for crops summer grain, the expert considers(counts).

Making comments on changes of weather, the chief of a department agrometeorologicheskikh forecasts republican gidrometeotsentra Hope Melchakova has noted, that present frosts represent greater(big) threat to fruiters which have started to blossom already. At flowering fruiters especially dangerously decrease(reduction) in temperature to a minus of 2 degrees and below. To Polesye the temperature of air places fell up to a minus of 5 degrees, and it can be reflected more seriously in formation of the future crop, has noted N.Melchakova.

In an extreme southwest of republic (in the Brest area), probably, already there is a formation zavyazi and for trees downturn of temperature for a long time represents the most serious danger. Even downturn of temperature up to a minus of 1 degree can lead to subsidence zavyazi and to decrease(reduction) in a crop. Only pears, kostochkovye fruiters for the present blossom. The majority yablonevykh gardens yet have not reached(achieved) a pink bud. Therefore there is a hope, that in present frosts yablonevym to gardens will not put(render) the big loss to year.

