The Associated Press
MINSK, Belarus: Russia's state-controlled gas monopoly OAO Gazprom purchased a 50-percent stake in Belarus' gas transport system Friday for US$2.5 billion (?1.85 billion), Gazprom said.
The Beltransgaz network is a key conduit for Russian gas exports to Western European countries. A price dispute over the price paid by Belarus for its gas imports last year raised fears of a Russian cutoff that could affect European customers - as happened in a similar dispute with Ukraine in early 2006.
The dispute with Belarus was resolved in a last-minute deal that included Gazprom being allowed to buy the stake in OAO Beltransgaz.
Russia has long been seeking the share in Beltransgaz and securing it was seen as a major Russian goal in the dispute over the gas price hike.
Under the gas price agreement, Belarus pays US$100 (?74) per 1,000 cubic meters in 2007 - slightly more than double the US$47 (?35) it paid in 2006.