In the nearest future, Belarus plans to deny from wheat imports, declared Vasiliy Pavlovsky, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of Belarus, on April 30.
According to him, Belarus imports wheat with high gluten content for enterprises, producing bakery products. The annual volumes of such import supplies total 60-80 thsd tonnes.
At the same time, agrarians and scientists of the country work at the selection of the domestic varieties of wheat, which will be able to take the place of high-quality import wheat. And they have already received the good results. Several varieties of wheat of the domestic selection have sufficient level of gluten content. Thus, in the nearest future, Belarus will be able to stop wheat importing, explained the Deputy Minister.
According to V.Pavlovsky, Belarus has the possibility to realize grain export operations. To date, Belarus stocks nearly 1 mln tonnes of feed grains of the last year harvest.