During a visit to a heavily contaminated area near Khoyniki, in Homel Oblast, President Alyaksandr Lukashenka said that all Chornobyl-related problems will be solved in Belarus within the next five years, Belapan reported on April 28. Lukashenka cited the government's efforts to revitalize districts affected by the fallout from the accident. "Some time has passed and we see renovated towns here. The mortality rate has dropped by 20 percent and the birthrate has gone up in these districts. People have made up their mind. They are wiser than us, we should simply not traumatize them," Lukashenka said. Lukashenka accused the country's previous leadership of failing to help people living in contaminated areas. "We have managed to change this mind-set. We have explained to the people that we will not abandon them, but provide necessary support," he added. AM