Note to editors - 068(2008)
Strasbourg, 25.04.2008 - Commenting on the outcome of the trials against Andrei Kim and nine other young people in Belarus who were arrested after taking part in the entrepreneurs' demonstration of 10 January 2008, Andrea Rigoni (Italy, ALDE), the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly's rapporteur on the situation in Belarus, said: "The sentences handed down against these young political activists are harsh, unjustified, and constitute an abuse of the criminal justice system for political purposes."
"I respect these courageous youths for engaging in political activities and defending their ideas in spite of the risks that they run," the rapporteur said.
"Personally, I continue to support dialogue with the broadest spectrum of actors in Belarus, including the authorities. But they should not have any illusions: unless they prove, through consistent acts, that they respect human rights and democratic principles, they will contribute to deepening their own isolation.
"The liberation of six political prisoners some weeks ago showed that the authorities have a clear understanding of what steps they should take to bring Belarus closer to Europe. But Europe will never content itself with mere tactical or cosmetic changes. Only clear and tangible signs of sincere, resolute and irreversible willingness on the part of the authorities to endorse European values can successfully break their isolation," he added.
Last week PACE adopted a resolution and recommendation denouncing abuse of the criminal justice system in Belarus.