Mass media of the Belarus opposition have published a letter signed by the employees of the State Security Committee (KGB). They announce in the letter that the majority of them do not support the actions of the authorities, and also realize the personal responsibility for criminal activities. The fact of falsification of the results of the recent elections is also declared in the letter. "The authentic results of voting on three major (presidential) candidates are as follows: for the current president Lukashenko voted 46,1 per cent, for Milinkevich - 28,4 per cent, for Kozulin - 17,6 per cent of the voters. It is obvious, that it was necessary to arrange the second round of voting", the KGB members underline. They also inform on preparation of provocations against Milinkevich and Kozulin, and also name the surnames of the special services members participating in beating Kozulin on March 2. Copies of the given letter are addressed also to the country's Minister of Justice Viktor Golovanov and the Chairman of the Belarus KGB Stepan Suhorenko.