(Angus Reid Global Scan) - Most adults in Russia paid no attention to the presidential ballot in a neighbouring nation, according to a poll by Public Opinion Foundation. 51 per cent of respondents are indifferent to the re-election of Belarusian president Aleksandr Lukashenko.
The Belarusian presidential election took place on Mar. 19. According to official results, Lukashenko received 82.6 per cent of all cast ballots, followed by Aleksandr Milinkevich of the United Democratic Opposition with 6.0 per cent, Sergei Gaidukevich of the Liberal Democratic Party with 3.5 per cent, and Aleksandr Kozulin of the Social Democratic Party with 2.3 per cent.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) issued a preliminary report, stating the presidential ballot "did not meet the required international standards for free and fair elections" and calling it "severely flawed due to arbitrary use of state power and restrictions to basic rights." 36 per cent of Russians are happy that Lukashenko was re-elected.
In May 2005, United States president George W. Bush referred to Belarus as "the last remaining dictatorship in Europe," adding, "When the elections come, make sure the elections are free, and have monitors and international observers. As you know, that made a big difference in the Ukraine."
Lukashenko and Russian president Vladimir Putin signed a bilateral treaty in late 1999, where the two nations agreed to eventually merge their tax systems and currencies.
Polling Data
The presidential election in Belarus was won by incumbent president Aleksandr Lukashenko. Are you happy, unhappy or indifferent about this event?
Hard to answer
Source: Public Opinion Foundation
Methodology: Face-to-face interviews with 1,500 Russian adults, conducted on Apr. 8 and Apr. 9, 2006. Margin of error is 3.6 per cent.