07 April 2005 09:40

Teachers from Gomel to visit Kincorth Academy

Pupils and staff at Kincorth Academy are preparing to give two visitors from Gomel in Belarus a truly Scottish welcome next week.

Two teachers from School 71 in Gomel are to visit the school as part of ongoing work to develop links between Aberdeen and its twin town.

Last October, two teachers from Kincorth travelled to Gomel to visit School 71, to compare notes on teaching practice, the curriculum and general school life.

Biology teacher Corinne Digges and Design and Technology teacher Alan Tullock brought back letters from around 200 pupils and many pen-pal friendships are still going strong.

It is hoped the exchange will also encourage future pupil exchange trips and cross-curricular projects, as well as the setting up of a joint website.

School 71 specialises in the teaching of English and both staff and pupils are particularly interested in British - and especially Scottish - history.

The visitors arrive in Aberdeen this Sunday (April 10) and will attend school the next day.

They will be greeted by a piper on Monday morning and will be welcomed at the first-year assembly before being given a tour of the school.

A busy programme of activities has been planned for their week-long stay, including a tour of the Town House, a visit to nearby Abbotswell Primary, trips to Dunnottar Castle and Edinburgh, an in-depth look at the work of the guidance and support for learning staff and a presentation on the school's business links with Petrofac.

They will also experience a true taste of Scotland thanks to a Scottish-themed day in the school canteen, with offerings including mince and tatties.

The teachers are particularly interested in ICT and drama and music, and will watch as members of Katapult Junior Youth Theatre rehearse for their summer show, Catherine Cookson's The Fifteen Streets.

Staff will enjoy a social evening with the visitors, who leave for Gomel on April 17.

Hugh Bryce, Headteacher at Kincorth Academy, said: "Everyone is very much looking forward to welcoming our two visitors from Belarus and we are hopeful this reciprocal exchange visit will develop our existing links with Gomel.

"Our teachers who have already visited School 71 have given presentations to the whole school about Gomel and we hope this visit will be as successful as their trip last year.

"This exciting international partnership is beneficial to everyone but particularly the pupils, who already have the chance to share experiences with their counterparts in Belarus and will hopefully have the opportunity to take part in future exchange trips to experience a different culture in a new country."

Rev Eddie McKenna, the school chaplain, is a member of the Gomel Trust and passed on information about the City to staff, which prompted Alan and Corrine to take part in the original exchange.

Aberdeen is twinned with five cities around the world: Clermont-Ferrand (France), Stavanger (Norway), Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) and Regensburg (Germany), as well as Gomel.

These twinning relationships promote the fostering of international understanding and the furthering of social and economic links, highlighting areas such as culture, commerce, science, tourism, education and sport.

The school's website includes information about the links with School 71.

