
Belarus Milk Factory Plans to Triple Exports to Venezuela in 2010

This year the Lepel-based company will ship 4,500 tonnes of milk powder worth Br47.5 billion. In 2009 the company exported 1,500 tonnes of the make to Venezuela.

With larger exports to Venezuela the company will reduce the dependency of its export on Russia. The latter accounted for 52.2% of the company's export in 2009. This year Russia's share is supposed to go down to 25-30%. In 2009 export accounted for 60% of the total sales.

In January Lepel Tinned Milk Factory turned out Br10.2 billion worth of products, 115.7% as against January 2009. The sales profitability totaled 5.3%. The company reduced energy consumption by 14.9% while the target was set at 13.5%. The labor productivity reached 106.7%.

2009 saw fixed-capital investments reach Br24.8 billion. Among the largest accomplished projects is the launch of a new compressor workshop with the capacity of 3,100 kW and the commissioning of the first startup complex of a new dairy farm able to raise 930 cattle in the agricultural enterprise Zaozerye. In 2010 the company plans to channel over Br5 billion into development.

Lepel Tinned Milk Factory was founded in 1951. It was incorporated as a joint-stock company in 1998. The company includes the agricultural enterprise Zaozerye, the Tolochin creamery, the Dokshitsy and Beshekovichi dairy factories. The company specializes in whole milk products, skimmed milk powder, cheeses and ice cream. The product choice includes over 100 titles. The average number of employees is 876 people.


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