Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski has called a Belarusian TV documentary that accused Poland of trying to be the policeman of Eastern Europe "neo-Stalinist".
In a continuation of a war of words between Poland's head of diplomacy and authoritarian Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko's administration, Minister Sikorski said today that he would "not comment on such neo-Stalinist antics".
"The intensity of the propaganda attack gives us satisfaction that Polish human rights activity for the democratization of Belarus has been noticed," said Radoslaw Sikorski in between meetings at the European Parliament in Strasberg today.
The Belarusian documentary shown on state TV accused Poland of trying to destabilise both Belarus and Ukraine.
Sikorski called again for all political prisoners in Belarus, detained after the 19 December presidential election, to be released.
Last Friday, journalist and Polish minority activist in Belarus, Andrzej Poczobut was sentenced to 15 days imprisonment in Minsk for taking part in the demonstration, brutally broken up by riot police.