The FINANCIAL -- Galt & Taggart Securities solidified its leading position on the Belarusian market, taking the top spot on the Belarusian Currency and Stock Exchange (BSCE) by trading volume in January 2009, according to the BCSE monthly report.
"Galt & Taggart Securities has been the undisputed leader on the Georgian stock market over the past five years, and last year we established ourselves as a Top-5 broker in Ukraine , so I'm very pleased to see that our Belarus team was able to make such big strides, grabbing the top spot in Minsk after less than one year in operation," commented Nick Piazza, CEO of Galt & Taggart Securities.
After receiving its securities trading license in Belarus in August 2008, Galt & Taggart Securities led trading on the Belarusian stock exchange in January with more than BR 7.4bn (US$ 2.79 mn) in volumes.
Oleg Gud, director of Galt & Taggart Securities' Belarusian office, was pleased with the result. "We believe that this is just a sign of things to come. We have big ambitions for the local market and look forward to increasing our volumes as time goes by. Volumes significantly increased at the beginning of this year as the Belarusian government made steps to liberalize the local trading environment in 2008. The government canceled its right to a golden share in state-owned companies, as well as the ban on trading shares acquired on preferential terms or in exchange for "Property" checks.