FOCUS News Agency
Minsk. A delegation of the European Parliament expressed it discontent from the situation in Belarus after visiting the country yesterday, the Svoboda radio reported. The members noted that in spite of the recent positive events, like the freeing of political prisoners, the Belarusian authorities have not ceased to exert politically motivated pressure over activists from democratic movements and threatening independent information sources.
On September 30 2008, the Svoboda radio reminds, the U.S. expressed its disappointment from the results in the parliamentary elections in Belarus, that were carried out on September 28.
In November the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko stated, that Minsk does not aspire for membership in the EU or Nato, but that the country is far better prepared than all other members of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
The delegation, the radio concluded, must send an official report of its observations to the European Parliament, based on which a resolution on Belarus will be adopted in April.