According to Andrzej Poczobut, member of the Council of the Union of Poles in Belarus (UPB), unrecognized by the authorities, and a journalist of the popular Polish daily newspaper Gazeta Wyborcza, there are a number of cases when the authorities decided to use notorious article 193 -1 of the Criminal Code against members of the Union of Poles in Belarus, Radio Racyja reports.
Teresa Silivonchyk, the head of the Baranovichy branch of the Union of Poles in Belarus, received a warning from the prosecutor's office about criminal responsibility for activity in an unregistered organization.
According to Andrzej Poczobut, activists of the Union of Poles are pressed openly all over the country in order to make them leave this organization. People are called in for conversations in the KGB, the Ministry of Interrior, where they are warned about criminal prosecution if they take part in a session of the organization, scheduled March 14-15. The KGB spreads anonymous messages, also via Internet, blaming the most known UPB figures.