Petr Elfimov kindly took time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions for us here at You can find out his views on Eurofest, Eurovision itself, Dmitry Koldun's top ten finish in 2007 and much, much more.
What does it mean to you to represent Belarus at the Eurovision Song Contest?
I deeply love and respect my country and I want to fittingly represent Belarus at Eurovision 2009.
Many Eurovision fans thought that Gunesh should've gone to Moscow, how did that make you feel?
I don't connect my participation in the EuroFest project with Gunesh's participation by any means. I have a respectful attitude to what she is doing in music, but at the EuroFest final my audience perhaps turned out to be more active during the voting.
It's nearly become a tradition with Belarussian Eurovision entries that they have a complete makeover before the contest, will Eyes that never lie undergo any changes?
Certainly. The work on "Eyes that never lie" continues.
How would you describe your song and what does it mean to you?
My song is autobiographical. Its a little story of my life, my search, my love! It is dedicated to the person I love.
What plans are there for the stage show?
I have a professional team, that works on my stage performance, so we hope the result of it will be the high one.
Belarus last qualified in 2007 with Dmitry Koldun, do you feel a pressure on you to get to the final?
In 2004-2005 Koldun was one of my apprentices, so I am very glad that he was fittingly performing during the ESC 2007 final.
Are there plans for a promotional tour? What countries will be included?
We are planning the promotour and going to visit as many countries as it will be possible.
What is your first memory of the Eurovision?
I had a chance to visit Eurovision Song Contest 2004 which was in Turkey. I think Eurovision is one of the greatest European forums.
Andrew Lloyd-Webber is composing the UK entry, what did you think when you found this out?
I deeply respect the creation of this great composer! For my mind, since today his rock-opera "Jesus Christ Superstar" is one of the brightest works in the world's musical history. I always dreamed to sing the part of Jesus. I think your representative is the lucky one!
Will you be releasing a new album to coincide with your participation?
My third album is in the process of work now and the song "Eyes that never lie", which I will sing in Moscow, will be also included there.
The Eurovision Song Contest is seen by many in the west as little more than light entertainment, what do you think of this attitude?
I think that anyway Eurovision is one of the most popular and press covered contests in the world. Having the biggest audience, it gives an opportunity to listen to new songs, created by authors from different countries.
Do you think the contest is a free and fair competition, or is it rigged or tilted in favour of the eastern countries?
I think that the art should be out of politics. I think that mostly organisers of the contest can judge of such things as whether it is a fair or rigged competition.
What question, which I haven't asked you, would you like to be asked and what would the answer be?
Great Britain became an arbiter of the best world pop and rock music traditions. So, I would like to hear some question about the music and musicians of you country.