
Aleksandr Kazulin is on Hunger Strike For 47 Days Already!

Michael Batiukov

(Is it Time For the UN Security Council Finally To Get Involved?)

Today on December 5th, 2006 Irina Kazulina has visited the colony No.3 in Vitsebsk, where her husband, a former Candidiate for Presidency Aleksandr Kazulin, is continuing a hunger strike for the 47th day. He has lost 40 kg over the 8 months of detention. The meeting of Irina with her husband lasted for only 30 minutes. In this short period of time she was trying to convince Aleksandr to stop the protest which is becoming a threat to his health and life. However, as Irina Kazulina says to the Charter'97, the political prisoner is not going to stop the hunger strike until his major demand, to discuss the situation with human rights in Belarus in the UN Security Council will be met.

Kazulin's heroic hunger strike is commented by the leader of the Civil Initiative "We Remember" Irina Krasovskaya: "I admire the courage of Aleksandr Kazulin. I respect him very much for what he is doing. It is a very serious step. Such self-sacrifice can awaken the public opinion, the people who are waiting for somebody else to change the situation in the country. It is obvious that Aleksandr Kazulin is a serious person and he will go all the way. But I really worry about his health. A lot of struggle is before us, and we should be healthy and strong to fight. Kazulin should keep his strength for this struggle.

Undoubtedly, Aleksandr Kazulin's demand must be heard. We are doing everything so that as many people as possible, both in Belarus and abroad, could learn about his courageous deed," Irina Krasovskaya said in an interview to the Charter'97 Press-Center.

Also the leader of the United Democratic Forces Aleksandr Milinkevich initiated nomination of Aleksandr Kazulin for a prestigious prize of Martin Ennals, the first Secretary General of Amnesty International. The Martin Ennals Award is one of the main prizes in the field of human rights. Persons who are "symbols of struggle for human rights in the countries where human rights and democracy defence are dangerous activities" become its laureates.

"Aleksandr Kazulin's courage and determination in the fight for his rights causes admiration. Today his hunger strike is a symbol of all Belarusians' desire to live in a free democratic country. The whole world should know about it. This award is primarily to become a forcible international demand for the Belarusian regime to start freeing of political prisoners," Aleksandr Milinkevich said.

Today Irina Kazulina is to speak to the Political Council of the United Democratic Forces of Belarus with an appeal to send an address to the UN Security Council and ask to fulfill the demand of the Belarusian political prisoner and to consider the Belarusian issue.

