
Belarusian president meets heads of government of EurAsEC

President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said on Friday the Eurasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) came to point when integration process in Eurasian area should move from agreements of heads of states to new level - implementation of concrete projects.

Belarusian leader made this statement on 19 May at the meeting with heads of governments of EurAsEC.

Lukashenko said the nations of member country put tasks to keep EurAsEC status as intensive developing union in CIS area. He added that it is necessary to strengthen relations regularly.

Belarusian president said the member states should make step forward to form Custom Union in condition of accession of EurAsEC member-states to World Trade Organisation. He said the governments should find adequate solution.

He said EurAsEC states demonstrate positive development of economy for last several years. Lukashenko said this is connected with free-trade regime within EurAsEC and economies of countries supplement each other. "In the result, all states of the community observes economic growth and improvement of macroeconomic figures."

Lukashenko underlined accession of Uzbekistan to EurAsEC in January 2006 and added that it shows perspective of the community. He said the accession of a country to organization opens new perspectives.

Belarusian head drew attention to necessity to solve tasks on ensuring free movement of goods, including transit of electricity and oil products within the community.

Lukoshenko said unification of internal and transit tariffs on railway within EurAsEC will give string push to development of inter-regional trade and allow to stir up integration and business contacts within the community.

Simultaneously with formation of Custom Union it is necessary effectively use transit potential and solve issues on energy security, he said. Lukashenko said these are common priorities of EurAsEC.

One of the important tasks of EurAsEC should stimulate process in mutual investment, Belarusian head of state said. He said the volume of mutual investment in EurAsEC was low. He said that economic entities and scientific institutions of the community should be attracted to ensure viability of the integration.

Belarus initiated and developed corresponding proposals on development of interstate programmes in microelectonic, biotechnology, production and healthcare. In January 2006 summit of heads of states in Saint Petersburg Lukashenko as chairman of Interstate Council of EurAsEC proposed to increase efficiency of cooperation within these structures. EurAsEC member states supported initiative of Belarusian leader.

Programme, prepared by Belarusian side, includes measures on completion of formation of legal base of Customs Union in 2006, realization of transport potential of the community, filling integration process with economic and social programmes and projects and others.

In particular, it was proposed to develop in 2006/07 and implement next three-four years an interstate programmes "Transit", "Micro electronics EurAsEC 21 century", "Biotechnology to economy", "Health of EurAsEC people", programmes on creation of joint centers on sale and service of machinery and other equipment of EurAsEC states.

The issue on adoption of concept on international activity of EurAsEC and agreement on cooperation in social welfare were also put on agenda.

"Participation in joint programmes will allow to unite raw material, production and intellectual resources of our states to solve main innovation and production tasks," Lukashenko said.

Grigriy Rapota, Secretary-General of EurAsEC, informed Belarusian leader that all legal documents were developed to create legal base for Customs Union.

"I want to underline technical issues on creation of Customs Union were worked off. Now political structure, terms and actions should be determined. "

Rapota said issues on synchronization of accession process to WTO of EurAsEC member states and creation of Customs Union took short time and it was underlined necessity to implement decisions of the presidents of Customs Union and on preparation of necessary documents in 2006. He said all sides have single view on this issue.

Rapota said the Interstate Council of EurAsEC developed three documents on its session on 19 May, including a draft agreement on use of single mark in move of goods in market of EurAsEC. He said introduction of mark will make easier move of goods and allows to trade goods without additional licenses and certificates.

Another document directed to unification and speed up customs procedures in supply of goods, he said. He said the third document directed to issues on common principles on formation and use of railway tariffs.

Rapota expressed gratitude to Belarusian leader for great organization of the meeting of the heads of states of EurAsEC.

Michael Fradkov, Russian Prime Minister, expressed persuasion that Minks talks will give impulse to deepen integration processes within EurAsEC.

Russian official said that January agreements of leaders of the EurAsEC states guided PMs in their work. He said that January initiatives of Belarusian president realized concretely and reflects in the agenda of the meeting of EurAsEC Interstate Council.

Fradkov underlined importance of realization of several interstate projects, in particular in high technologies. He said time is passing and the community can loss its advantage. EurAsEC is effective body and the member states should not loss existing potential.

Kazakh Prime Minister Danial Ahmetov delivered good wishes of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev.

Ahmetov said recently created interstate bank of EurAsEC is ready to finance priority direction of development of organization, which were voiced by Belarusian leader.

Kazakh official praised development of Belarusian economy. He noted high inflow of Belarusian products to Europe, which shows quality of products. He said Kazakhstan would direct its efforts in this direction.

Ahmetov said: "We will do our best to ensure that upcoming Minsk summit of heads of states of EurAsEC would be constructive."

Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyayev noted friendly atmosphere of meeting in Minsk. He said accession of Uzbekistan to EurAsEC gives ample opportunities to Uzbekistan.

He said the country is doing great work to adopt necessary document fast and catch up partners within the EurAsEC, which have great experience in this organization. He added that the nations of EurAsEC have many common sides and said Uzbekistan is for fast creation of Customs Union.

Uzbek Prime Minister stated Uzbekistan and Belarus have serious opportunities to expand turnover. He said the bilateral turnover has been increasing for last several years, but with slow temps. Mirziyayev underlined success of Belarus machinery industry.

Lukoshenko said that Belarus achieved to save enterprises after USSR collapse and even lifted work in new level.

Akil Akilov, Tajik Prime Minister, delivered greeting of Tajik President Emomali Rakhmanov. He stated that there is progress in integration process in EurAsEC. He said creation of single energy market is one of the main development of the community. Tajikistan is for its fast creation, he added.

Almambet Matumbarimov, Plenipotentiary of Kyrgyz President on cooperation within CIS and EurAsEC, praised products of Belarus car plant and expressed gratitude for warm welcome.

Prime Minister of Belarus Sergey Sidorskiy informed Belarusian leader that the government worked off all proposals of Belarusian head at the summit in Saint Petersburg.

He said it is expected that sports days of youth of EurAsEC states will be held in 2007.

Summing up the meeting, Lukashanko noted that Belarus advocates deepening integration process in post Soviet area. He said it is much easier together and added that economies of countries need products of each other.

