
Lithuanian MP: Hearing on Belarusian nuclear power plant is theatre of the absurd

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius,

The Lithuanian society is still indignant at Belarus's intention to build a nuclear power plant near Vilnius. Member of the Lithuanian Seimas Gintaras Songaila said the public hearing on the Belarusian nuclear plant, held in Vilnius University on March 2, was a promoting event, LETA/Charter97 reports.

"It was the theatre of the absurd. We didn't have a discussion on environmental impact of the Belarusian NPP," Songaila told in an interview to BelaPAN. "EIA representatives spoke about abstract things. We didn't have a normal discussion. The official Belarusian delegation didn't answer questions about radwaste, tritium. I don't think they wanted to discuss these issues, though a lot of people attended the hearings. There's a psychological moment - it is decided to construct the nuclear power plant close to our capital."

The MP has an impression that representatives of Belarusian ministries and institutes regarded the hearings as a "promotion event, a show".

"I repeat the opinion of the audience: the public hearing was organized just to put a tick," Songaila said.

He stated that he would protests against the project in the Seimas of Lithuania.

"We'll try to form a group of MP to have a serious conversation with our Ministry of Environment," the MP said.


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