
Belarus opposition acquired local KGB's actions plan

The Belarus opposition received an open letter from a source within the KGB, which showed Lukashenko's real "election program", TCS Daily reports. According to that letter, after the televised opposition speeches in February, the KGB received a lot of messages from all corners of Belarus, stating that people support the opposition candidates and feel negative about current authorities. Last week, Lukashenko's rating fell sharply. Even in Mogiliov district, the most renovated district in the country (and home of Lukashenko), the president's approval rating is less than 23 percent. The same KGB source reported on what to expect from the authorities in the next two weeks. On election day, candidates won't be allowed to speak in public. The Internet and mobile network will be shut down. The KGB has been ordered to do everything possible to restrain people from coming to the capital, Minsk, on March 19. All train and bus service will be halted. All cars will be thoroughly checked. The places where international supervisors will stay are already equipped with listening bugs. On the day of the election, all the public places in the capital will be closed, and people won't be allowed to gather. There is already a group of selected "sportsmen", who will get into a staged fight with the militia as supposed "drunk members of opposition". Also, there is a plan to "find" highly explosive shells in one of the opposition offices.

