
Belarusian KGB returns computers after a year and a half they were seized

Vladimir Katsora, member of the coordination council of the democratic forces in Gomel region of Belarus, and Leonid Sudalenko, head of the city department of Legal Initiative in Gomel, are allowed to take back their personal computers, seized by the Belarus KGB agents during a search in their apartments or offices, online paper Khartiya' 97 reports, referring to notices of the region prosecutor's office, sent to the activists.

News agency BelaPAN cites Vladimir Katsora who said that six computers had been seized by the Belarusian secret services in October 2007. The KGB explained the office of the United Civil Party (UCP) had been searched in the criminal case against the opposition Young Front of Belarus. Computers were attached to the case as material evidence. On January 27, the prosecutor's office informed the confiscated computers were excluded from the list of material evidence. "It wasn't the will of the KGB to make this, they have done in view of the current political situation - dialog with the West, concessions, the declared liberalization," Katsora is quoted by the online paper as saying.

Earlier the KGB returned a risograph, seized in 2007 during the search, to the regional UCP leader, Khartiya'97 adds.



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